Thursday, June 25, 2009


Just incase you were wondering, YES, I got sick. REALLY sick! I was running a high fever all afternoon and all night. I ended up going to bed at 7:30 last night. Alexis has it too now. Alexis and I have the diarrhea version of the sickness, while JB and I have the vomit version… yep, I got both! I’m still feeling lousy, so I am going to lay down now.


Melanie said...

great! you guys get the stomach bug like it's going out of style. Feel better everyone...hugs

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said...

Bummer! Today would have been perfect for the splash pad too... Overcast! =) Oh well.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about the "YUCK BUG", it can't be any fun. You 3 like to share don't you! Hope it doesn't last. - Nanu

desertmama said...

Yuck!!!! Hope it's long gone by now.

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