Monday, October 5, 2009


As I sit at my desk doing homework, I glace out the windows and see the most beautiful things. In front of me is a raised flower bed and pond, that my husband built for me while I was on bed rest. I would sit outside and watch him lay brick after brick. Each placed there because he loved me. Then I look out the other window and see a sight that brings tears to my eyes. My family! My children are busily working in the dirt, helping daddy move it, so that he can build them a playhouse. I think about all he has done for his family and I just feel so lucky. He is constantly busy, but he does it out of love, to make us happy.

Here are the pictures from my window… as I sit at my desk. (not the greatest quality photo, since it was through glass, but I think the view is just spectacular!)  PA040047PA040044 PA040041PA040042PA040050

Soon, I will post some pictures of the patio he is working on. It’s almost done!!


Melanie said...

it is really darling that they go out and work with him...too sweet

mamabecky said...

Holly, You are so very blessed and the best part of it is, you know where these blessings have come from. You do have a beautiful family, GOD IS GREAT!

Anonymous said...

You really are very very lucky and your knowing it makes it even better. May God keep you and your family under his wings eternally. All the best, Nanu

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