Saturday, January 19, 2013

Cookie disaster!

I have always feared/dreaded baking. A year ago that all changed when I got a kitchen aid mixer. I however still had a secret phobia of making cookies using a cookie cutter. This was an obvious "secret phobia" since I have a drawer filled with cookie cutters, given to me as gifts from others. My fear of cookie cutter cookies doesn't send me into a frenzy, running out of a room like my hair is on fire nor does it make me curl up in a corner and sob. I just am not sure its worth the time and effort. I decided to address my issues head on today! The drive behind my self motivation, is of course to benefit my children. I want "cactus shaped" cookies for their birthday!

First step: making the dough.. Easy! Thanks to the kitchen aid mixer of course... Without that, not a chance!

Second Step: refrigerating the dough for three hours. Not as easy, due to the fact I had a little girl ask me about every 7minutes if it was time to make the cookies.

Third step: rolling out the dough and cutting out the cookies... Pain, yes indeed it was. But not as bad as I thought. Worth it? Eh...

Forth step: baking.. Yeah that was fine.

Fifth step: letting cool completely... A lot like the second step!

Sixth step: making frosting, another pain and worse than I thought but only because my fingers are stained pink!

Seventh step: decorating... Easier than I was expecting! I wanted to decorate using the "flooding" method. It is more time consuming and definitely hard on my back, it is indeed a pain.

With step: clean up... That pretty much goes with out explanation, it's a pain but when your children lick the table clean after decorating, it does cut down on some of the work.

Results: my fear was warranted! However, I know I will do it again, just hoping in time I will enjoy it and not despise it.

Here are some of the cookies we made: I really hope you can figure out which ones I made and which ones the children did!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, they look good enough to eat!! Sara and I baked cookies once. She was only 3 and we had a glorious time! She had to taste every color of cookie, of course. I never thought of it before but your post made me think to upload the pictures and post about our "Cookie Adventure"!

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie Maternity tickers